A B O U T     / L O C K D O W N      C O L L E C T I O N

The Lockdown Collection is created on archival natural cotton paper, the artist uses several different mediums, pencil, ink, gouache, pencil and watercolour. The artist depicts intimate small moments in the artist’s studio. The artist wants to reflect the time she is alone and cut off from the outer world and suddenly finds herself in a very isolated place and faces loneliness with a lot of change. The artist describes the lockdown as a great shift that happened by force, where situations, certainty and safety are all in the balance. A time of grief and a time where suddenly everything certain is linked with a question mark. Preconceived ideas and opinions shifted and people changed. The artist was surrounded by medics and was aware of what unknown monster we were facing as a society. The artist is aware that portraying this is virtually an impossible task to achieve, with this in mind however the artist wants to reflect this time.

The artist has taken the subject from direct intimate surroundings and reflected on objects that appear timeless and irrelevant and made them into the main theme of the work. The shapes and colours are simple and appear in a naif surrealistic manor with questionable perspective and scale. The colours are skewed and over or under saturated. The paintings have frozen actions and movements, captured motions as if they had never moved in the first place. The actions portrayed are floating, folding, flying, drifting and unwanted. The hidden character is the oak wood that is watching everything without being noticed.

The subjects represent impermanence , such as fruits, flies, wood and skies are portrayed. Each element and subject are represented throughout art history, the artist’s choice in this is very deliberate. The artwork is in a dream state / a state of consciousness, also named D-State or REM-State. The subject matter might appear insignificant and not worth portraying. Yet at the time that was all that the artists were surrounded by, whilst everything else was suddenly very far away and unimportant.