Q U A L I T Y / M A T E R I A L S

D o e s M a r i a n n e H e n d r i k s t a k e e n v i r o r m e n t a l p r e c a u t i o n s ?

Marianne Hendriks only uses high quality artists materials. Marianne Hendriks is conscious of environmental impact that production has and resources materials from companies that guaranty a zero chemical process. The same principles of ethos is also applied in the packaging, studio operations and collaborations. Marianne also does not use plastics and chemicals during the production and shipping.

W h a t i s t h e l i f e s p a n o f M a r i a n n e H e n d r i k ’ s a r t w o r k ? 

All materials are acid free, insuring longevity and are traditional museum quality archival materials to insure a long lifespan.

W h a t m a t e r i a l s a r e u s e d ?

B O T A N I C U S C O L L E C T I O N / A R T W O R KT

he Botanicus collection is painted with high quality oil pigments in the traditional impressionists impasto oil painting techniques. The paintings are created on reinforced birch wood panel, painted on both sides, insuring the paintings from warping.

B O T A N I C U S C O L L E C T I O N / F R A M E

The painting is presented in a slender tray frame made out of meranti hard wood. Framed and designed and crafted by the artist.

D O M E S T I C U S C O L L E C T I O N / A L L T H A T IS U N K N O W N C O L L E C T I O N / A R T W O R K

The Domesticus collection and All that is unknown collection are painted in the traditional oil painting techniques of the Dutch masters. The paintings are carefully built up in multiple layers consisting of very thin transparent glazes. The paint in applied on 100% traditional flax portrait linen canvas.

D O M E S T I C U S C O L L E C T I O N / A L L T H A T IS U N K N O W N C O L L E C T I O N / F R A M E

The painting is presented in a slender box frame style solid oak frame. Framed and designed and crafted by the artist.

L O C K D O W N O N P A P E R / A R T W O R K

The artwork is created with traditional water colour paint and gouache on 100% natural fine off white cotton. Insuring the longevity of the artwork.

L O C K D O W N O N P A P E R / F R A M E

The artwork does not come in a frame.


H o w d o I l o o k a f t e r a p a i n t i n g ? 

The first element to take precaution with is extreme fluctuating temperatures and moisture levels. It is best to avoid bathrooms, kitchens and basements as they are difficult places to control. With open plan kitchens it is simply best not to hang the painting too close to the stove.

The second element to take precaution with is UV-Light, therefore avoiding hanging it in a place that has full sunlight all day. This is specially to keep in mind in modern houses that maximise the natural sunlight. North facing rooms and hallways are ideal because of reduced sunlight. You can take further precautions by installing UV reducing windows or UV reducing cello tape that can be installed almost invisibly.

The third element is settling dust in combination with grime over time. A separate ostrich feather duster just for paintings is a great solution, waving the feather duster just before the painting barely touching, creates the perfect airflow, once every two weeks is more than enough. * Spiders discharge are another issue, dusting the ceiling on a regular basis prevents spiders having webs.

The fourth element to take precaution with is insects, making sure that the room is closed of from the outdoors is a first important precaution. Regular dusting will prevent insects from settling and keeping the room tidy and clean. If some spider discharge does come on the canvas it can be removed with a damp cloth and very carefull and gentle swiping.

The fifth caution is water, short contact with water can be quickly recovered by whiping it dry gently with a clean dry cloth. Long exposure to water causes irreversible damage.

W h a t d o I d o w h e n m y p a i n t i n g g e t s d a m a g e d d u r i n g t r a n s i t ?

The artworks are carefully wrapped. If damage does occure during transit please contact the point of sale and make sure to photograph damages of the painting and packaging. The art work is insured during tranist.

W h a t d o I d o i f m y a r t w o r k g e t s d e m a g e d a f t e r p u r c h a s i n g , d u r i n g o w n e r s h i p ?

Demage and accidents do happen to the best of us. Please do get in touch with the artists and ask for advise and tips to restore. The artists keeps a detailed record of each painting and advice or restore certain damages, please make pictures during daylight hours. If the damage is restorable the artist is prepared to do the restoration and asks the owner to cover the shipping costs.

S H I P P I N G / P O L I C Y

W h a t s h i p p i n g m a t e r i a l s a r e u s e d ?

All materials are sustainable, no plastics are used. All elements that are in contact with the works of art museum quality graded, meaning that no acidic materials can effect the artwork.

Limited editions are packaged in tubes and in museum quality wrapping. Each print is numbered and comes with a cerificate of authenticity.

Paintings are packaged in shipping crates and are individually built for each painting.

W h a t i s t h e l e a d t i m e ?

Unframed prints are delivered within 3 - 5 working days within Europe.

Unframed prints are delivered within 5+ working days Worldwide.

Oil paintings are delivered within 3 - 5 working days within Europe.

Oil paintings are delivered within 10-14 working days Worldwide.

W h a t a r e t h e c o s t u m d u t i e s ?

International orders incur customs duties which are not included in the shipping costs. All duty and tax charges are payable by the recipient, every country has different fees. inquire with your goverment what the fees are.

D o I n e e d t o s i g n f o r m y d e l i v e r y ?

All items, apart from wallpaper samples, are sent on a tracked and signed for service and will require a signature upon delivery. We will send you an email with tracking details once your order leaves our studio, so you can stay up to date with the progress of your delivery and plan accordingly.

A r e y o u a b l e t o p r o v i d e a t i m e s l o t f o r d e l i v e r y o r n o t i f y m e w h e n yo u a r e n e a r b y ?

Unfortunately, we aren’t always able to provide time slots for standard parcels, as this will depend on the selected courier.

W h a t H a p p e n s i f I ’ m n o t h o m e w h e n d e l i v e r y i s a t t e m p t e d ?

The selected courier will leave a calling card or note with further instructions. Most often, the driver will attempt re-delivery the next working day. After three delivery attempts, your order will be returned to our warehouse – upon which we will contact you for further instruction.

I h a v e o r d e r e d m o r e t h a n o n e i t e m , w i l l t h e y a r r i v e t o g e t h e r ?

Multiple items will usually be delivered seperatly, certain item or the lead times vary. To give and example framed artwork has a longer lead time than an unframed artwork.
If you would like to check if items will be shipped separately or together, please contact us. We may charge for the additional shipment, depending on the circumstances. If you require items to be sent to different addresses, please complete one order for each address.

W h a t i s t h e r e t u r n p o l i c i y ?

We put a lot of effort into ensuring all our products are up to a high standard and we hope you are delighted with your order. However If you are not satisfied with your purchase, please email us at info@mariannehendriks.com

Our returns policy lasts 30 days. If 30 days have gone by since your purchase to us receiving the item, unfortunately we can’t offer you a refund or exchange.

Items will be refunded providing that you have not used the item; it is in the same condition as when you first bought it; and you have taken reasonable care to ensure that any item is returned to us safely and not damaged in transit. Please return the item in the original packaging

Please send the parcel via a signed for service and keep receipt for proof of postage  - we do not refund the cost of the return delivery.

Once your return is received, we will send you an email to notify you that we have received your returned item and  your refund will be credited to your credit card or original method of payment, within a certain amount of days.

Unfortunately, shipping costs and/or import duties are non refundable and we are not held responsible for returns that do not reach us.

H o w d o I k n o w w h a t i s a v a i l a b l e ?

You can see a complete overview of all paintings on this website, by clicking on each painting you can see at the info section if the painting is either sold or available.

H o w d o e s a s a l e p r o c e e d v i a t h i s w e b s i t e s h o p ?

The sale is via Paypal in US- USD currency, shipment is handled by DHL. All paperwork are provided: import papers, invoice and certificate of Authenticity.

H ow l o n g i s t h e l e a d t i m e f o r d e l i v e r y a f t e r p u r c h a s e d a t e ?

Unframed prints are delivered within 3 - 5 working days within Europe.

Unframed prints are delivered within 5+ working days Worldwide.

Oil paintings are delivered within 3 - 5 working days within Europe.

Oil paintings are delivered within 10-14 working days Worldwide.

W h a t i s i n c l u d e d i n t h e s a l e ?  

i n c l u s i v e - painting, wrapping and shipment costs.

o p t i o n a l - frame, wall mounting system (shark-teeth system).

e x c l u s i v e - vat charges, import charges.

H o w i s t h e w o r k p r o t e c t e d a n d s h i p p e d ?

All materials are natural sustainable and acid free materials. All the oil paintings and framed works are all carefully wrapped and shipped in crates. Works on paper are shipped in tubes.

C o u l d I h a v e c u r a t i o n a d v i c e ?

It is help full to discuss with a third party. The curation team at Saatchi are greatly experienced. Please inquire at curator@saatchiart.com. No fees are applied.

C o u l d I r e s e r v e a p a i n t i n g ?

Work can be reserved up to a week.

W h a t a u t h e n t i c i t y p a p e r w o r k i s p r o v i d e d ? 

Every sale comes with a certificate and an invoice this invoice is also proof of ownership, you can request a different name when it is a shared ownership, or gifted or a company purchase. It is therefore important to keep this document save. In case of loss you can always request a new one. All paintings are also numbered and named to insure a safe record keeping. 


D o e s t h e a r t i s t k e e p a l e d g e r ? 

Both the artist and representatives have a personal ledger. The ledger is to insure proof of purchase and proof of rightful ownership of the paintings.

I s t h e l e d g er k e p t p r i v a t e ?

Both artist and representatives keep the ledger and personal details private and will never be shared with a third party.


W h e r e c a n I p u r c h a s e l i m i t e d e d i t i o n s ?

Limited editions are only available at Saatchi art.

C a n I r e q u e s t a f i n e a r t p r i n t i n a c e r t a i n s i z e ?

Yes this possible, the size will be registered within the limited edition size range, please get in touch for further details and please refer to the L I M I T E D E D I T I O N - page for more information.

W h a t t y p e o f m a t e r i a l a n d i n k i s u s e d ?

The paper is sustainable (acid free) and natural white, created out of 100% cotton, 388GSM manufactured in Germany in protected nature. The ink is Giclée archival ink.


W h a t q u a l i t y a r e t h e d i g i t a l f i l e s ?

All of Marianne Hendriks’s oil paintings are professionally scanned with the Cruse Synchron Table Scanner in the highest resolution and quality possible, insuring the very best reproduction possibilities. All of Marianne Hendriks’s work on paper are professionally scanned in the highest professional quality that Epson Pro scanners have to offer. Creating the same high resolution quality for work on paper, insuring the very best reproduction possibilities.

C a n I u s e M a r i a n n e H e n d r i k s ’ s a r t w o r k f o r a n e x h i b i t i o n ?

Paintings are available upon agreement of terms and conditions, this depends on availability, timing and the project. Please inquire to discuss possibilities. 

C a n I u s e a p u r c h a s e d a r t w o r k b y M a r i a n n e H e n d r i k s ’ s a r t w o r k f o r a n e x h i b i t i o n?

Purchased art work of Marianne Hendriks can be used for exhibitions and publications only with a written agreement with the artist.

H o w l o n g i n a d v a n c e d o I n e e d t o b o o k a p r o j e c t ?

Advised is to set an estimate date to check availability. The agenda is usually at least 3 months booked in advance. Short notice projects are also possible but are not guaranteed.


C a n I a r r a n g e a p r e s s r e l e a s e ?

Press releases are welcome and appreciated, please do notify the artist to get permission and to acquire high resolution images suitable for press releases.

C a n I p u b l i s h a p r e s s r e l e a s e w i t h o u t c o n s e n t ?

It is advised to notify and ask for consent, this gives the opportunity for the article or feature to be shared with other channels to create a possible wider audience reach. It also gives the artist the oppertunity to share suitable high resolution images. If no consent has been given by the artist the artists has a legal right to request removal of the article.